maturity is measured by obedience, not years
know one thing
Join a training group to learn the basics and scriptural foundation for making disciples the way Jesus did with the “DMM” approach.
do one thing
If obedience really is the measure of our maturity, and Jesus says go make disciples… the easiest way to start is right where you are. Teach someone what you have learned.
What is DMM?
discipleship making movement
This is rapid multiplication of believers in and disciples of Jesus who make disciples, who make disciples, and so forth to reach neighborhoods and communities and people groups we would otherwise not have access to reach. It is an obedience based study of God's word; doing what it says and teaching others. Extraordinary prayer, equipping the saints to go out among the lost, praying for people of peace and starting small discovery groups who then encounter the Holy Spirit. It is equipping believers to disciple unbelievers who have encounters with God and convert, not working to convert and then disciple.
What does that mean? It’s important to point out, this is not an attempt to pull believer’s out of churches to start house churches. This is training to teach EVERY BELIEVER to reach the lost no matter where they are; in their own neighborhood or in remote corners of the earth where the name of Jesus has never been mentioned.
What does this look like? There are many different pockets of this movement doing ministry with this method. Many leaders get training to understand the fundamentals, but you don’t need this training to start a discover study. In a nutshell, we simply look at the way Jesus and His early followers shared the gospel and we do the same. We believe this is done through relationship with each other and with God. We read scripture together, Christians and non-Christians alike and ask 4 simple questions, assuming the word of God is true:
1. What does this say about God?
2. What does this say about people?
3. How can I apply what this says to my life this week?
4. Who can I tell about what I’ve learned this week?
This is discipling
This short video sums up the discipleship we're going for.
This free documentary is a beautiful detailing of how DMM is growing the body of believers AND followers of Jesus, in a nation where it seems least likely. The testimonies in this film tell just a few of the transformations happening when we encounter Jesus in our brokenness and are set free.