“We all wanted to work for The Kingdom, to build a community of love, to let something happen that was greater than we were individually…”
living the fullness of life, from the heart…
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

Investing in global communities to teach leadership, critical thinking and forgiveness

Jenni, Blackman and baby Bausi are based in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. They combat social stigmas in eastern Congo and around the world

It’s been said, “God doesn’t still do miracles” or “God doesn’t answer prayers, we need to do this on our own”…
For us, the goodness of God is seen in everyday life. He is working miracles, His voice is heard and prayers are answered in the most unexpected and surprising ways.
We are sharing our stories for all to know- He is living, He is active, He cares about the needs of His own.
Every time zone. Every hour. Someone is praying.
When Jesus tells us to pray for more workers in Matthew 9, it’s not just a nice idea. Around the world, many people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus. The highest concentration of unreached people is found in this 10/40 window. However, the unreached can be found in every country, including the USA - so we chose to pray at 10:40am, representing the largest unreached populated area, but we pray on behalf of all the unreached in every nation. We pray for more workers, at home and abroad. More people who will say “yes” and live a life of intention - locally, nationally, internationally and the dangerous places - to tell the world the goodness of God. Join with me and hundreds around the world who pray daily at 10:40am. Set your phone alarm to remind you. No matter what time zone you are in, everyday we will be reminded to stop and pray.
Pray for more workers, the unreached and the workers already in the field.